
Congratulations, You're Pregnant!

Congratulations, You're Pregnant!

Let the decision-making begin. Choosing a health care provider to care for you and your baby during your pregnancy is one of the biggest decisions you'll make.
In the United States, women's choices once were limited to an obstetrician or a knowledgeable family doctor. But in recent years midwives became another alternative for women with low-risk, uncomplicated pregnancies.
In Europe, midwives assist at more than 70% of normal vaginal births. Though midwives delivered only 7% of American babies in 2003, that percentage has been increasing since 1975. But most Americans aren't sure what midwives do, how they're trained, or if they're even available. Is a midwife a viable option for you?

The History of Midwives

The word "midwife" comes from Old English and means "with woman." Midwives have helped women deliver babies since the beginning of history. References to midwives are found in ancient Hindu records, in Greek and Roman manuscripts, and even in the Bible.
As early as 1560, Parisian midwives had to pass a licensing examination and abide by regulations to practice. Not all midwives had this level of education, however. English midwives received little formal training and weren't licensed until 1902. America inherited the English model of midwifery.
Early American midwives usually learned their craft through apprenticeship and tradition. They were not educated about scientific advances in fighting infection through hygiene and drugs such as penicillin. By the early 20th century, women and their babies were more likely to die under the care of midwives than under the care of doctors.
Around this time, American medical doctors began a campaign against midwifery in the press, the courts, and Congress. They cited the poor outcomes for mothers and babies under the care of midwives. Doctors might also have viewed midwives as competition.

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